Eurorack Stripboard 1.2

An updated, corrected and simplified version of my Eurorack Stripboard is available!

PCB Top side

If you haven’t read my previous (fail) attempt… this is the version 1.2. I removed the thin mesh of traces, they were totally inefficient anyway.

I always needed to have, in my drawers, a quick and easy way to assemble and prototype some small synth modules.

I think this the most convenient way to build a simple module. You just use it as a standard stripboard PCB but with neat additions.

The Eurorack power supply interface is almost complete: there’s room and tracks for a 16 pins connector with silkcreened signal marks, filtering capacitors and bead filters or protection diodes.

You can use up to 5 potentiometers or 5 Cliff style Jack connectors. Potentiometers can be any of 9 or 16 mm types, Alpha PKN160 for example.
Here are some examples:

The layout is pretty simple: strips, strips, strips. More than 60 horizontal 4 and 5 pin strips. One long 30 pin strip per power supply rail and two for ground.

Buy your Eurorack Stripboard 1.2 on tindie!

I sell on Tindie

5 thoughts on “Eurorack Stripboard 1.2

  1. Hey, really nice idea. I’m just wondering if your PCB Design is open source or if it would be possible to get the design files from you.
    Regards, Milan

    1. Hi David. Im new to euro rack. Seeking to build my own modules. Interested in your stripboard pcb. But a little confused. How do I go about putting in wire links like on any stripboard layout. How would I link several boards together.

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